Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mayhem, Music and More

Okay - here it is - my leap into the world of blogging. This is a true leap of faith for me, as it reminds me of keeping a diary, which I was never good at. I'd start off with gusto and for a whole week I'd make entries: at age 8 "My best friend borrowed my doll's dress and I hope she brings it back" or at age 13 "My best friend borrowed my favorite necklace and I hope she doesn't break it" or at age 16 "My best friend told me she's moving...I am soooo sad!" Then the entries would be fewer and fewer until finally the diary became a paper weight or a door stop.

But I think that now that I am the co-CEO of my household and a wife and mom, I might find something more interesting to write about. I hope so, or you are going to be very bored and never visit again.

So a little about what I hope for this blog...I hope to share my love of music, and what it is like being the wife of a musician with a day job. I hope to share my joy in my children, the fun and mayhem of having two toddlers, and what we do and look forward to doing as we grow and learn together. I hope to share a bit of my crafty side - sharing ideas and experiences with whatever project I am working on (or dreaming of working on).

So we have Mayhem, Music and More. Enjoy.

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